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WABC's Sid & Bernie Show interviewed 3 Paws Kitchen owner Amy Bursor

We had a blast sitting down with Sid and Bernie and talking about all things 3 Paws. Sid even gave our dog food a taste for himself! Of course Lucy came along and loved meeting everyone in the office. Listen to our interview here:

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Pet Insurance

I can't stress enough the importance of getting pet insurance. I found this out the hard way. My first pet was a beautiful black cat I found as a stray. I never bothered to get pet insurance for her because from the time she was a kitten she was never sick and never left the house so I figured it was a waste of money. Fast forward to 15 years later I'm in and out of the vet on a near monthly basis with bills continuously adding up. What could I do? Not get my cat the help she needed? Let her suffer? Put her down? Of course not. This cat was a part of me, I would do whatever...

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